Thursday, November 20, 2008

Family and Princesses

The Quillins (that's us!) just got back from probably one of the most relaxing, enjoyable and RENEWING vacation of my life. Don't know if it was the fact that we were going to the wedding of a young woman whose life is one of God's great stories of power and healing and that I had a small role in her life. Or if it was the fact that I got to see my sister Amy who is one of the closest people in my life and her joy and optimism gives me great encouragement just being in her presence. Or if it was the fact we were spending time (and money :-( ) in the happiest place on earth. I don't know. But you know when you get to spend long periods of unrushed time with people who fill you.. who love you... whom you can totally rest in their presence...that is a vacation. I am grateful for these past several days. For pirate swimming pools and pina coladas with my hubby. For being able to witness the reward of investment in the life of a young girl on this side of heaven. For morning breakfasts with my family. For safari rides and princess lunches. For the wonder of childhood found in every corner at Disney World. For the reality that God was present in every moment and I was finally still enough to see it and experience it. That God's gifts are often the small and most wonderous in their simplicity. That God smiled as I rode It's a Small World with my daughters. As it was once said (and I don't know by who) "God is happiest when His children are at play." (I found that in the movie "The Legend of Bagger Vance) :-)

I think God was mighty happy this past week observing His kids....

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