Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Simple pleasures..

Chicken nuggets after kindergarten...Phineas and Ferb...Snuggling on the couch...handmade afghans to keep warm while sitting with my and pasta...notes on my bathroom mirror...terry who smell like watermelon after their baths...a clean kitchen courtesy of my husband...long talks with my sis...popsicles...riding bikes...dress up...lip gloss...homemade popcorn...cameras...Dancing with the Stars...Cold Tangerines...the smell of firewood burning...handwritten cards from the mail...worship songs...coloring books...nativity sets...sweatpants...passion fruit ice tea from Starbucks...hearing my kids play make believe..."I love you, mom"...clean makeup...elderly people telling stories...watching my dad complete the Jumble page...Enchanted...loofahs...a pen and a blank piece of paper...Jesus

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