Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A Gracious Interuption

Yesterday life was interrupted. Funny how you can be going along, picking our Halloween costumes, packing lunches and settling fights about who gets the last Capri Sun and then... stop, wait a minute, what's this? I wasn't planning on THAT today. I cannot check it off my to do list. The kind of interruptions that you have no other choice but to address it. I couldn't hide it in the closet. I couldn't ask my mom to take care of it for me today. I must stop... pause...and be in it. That was my interuption today. Although at the current moment I feel uncertain, nervous... afraid, there is this place inside that may be telling me that this may be a gracious interuption. You know what I'm talking about; the kind that divides the mundane from the extraordinary. The kind that divides your life. Life before the interuption and life after. One thing for sure, life will not go back to the way it was. Oh, I'm sure I'll go back to the everyday life but it will now be with new eyes. New feelings. Hopefully new insight and new depth in my life. Hopefully if I submit to it, it will make me more. More of the me I want to be. Give me more of the eyes I want to see life through. More of the heart I want to live from. It's a GRACIOUS interuption.

Have you had one lately?

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