Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Sometimes the best arguments are the ones you have with yourselves. As I reflect over my last writing, I realize there is one element I neglected to consider and acknowledge.

The military uses the term collateral damage as "Unintentional or incidental injury or damage to persons or objects that would not be .....targets" (editing mine). I think of those people who have gotten hurt in the way of a goal or mission that was unintended.

I may have committed some collateral damage. I speak of our kids and a young generation who's plight in life has nothing to do with them. I speak of children whom I see almost everyday in the school's who go home to difficult challenges and pain which they simply inherited. I speak of a young generation who after working themselves through school and see their education as a way out and a new beginning find themselves in the highest unemployment rate since the late 70's. And my previous words do not speak to them.

In fact, they may be the fresh generation we are all looking towards for real change. Change that reflects real situations and answers, based on those values forged in the valley of tough times and pain. We call the previous generation the "Greatest Generation" because they lived through some of this history's darkest times and became the people to lead. I believe this young generation is living that now and we'll get to watch the leadership they provide because of the character built now.

Let's give them a chance.

1 comment:

Tammyz said...

Amen, again! I wish I had the gift of gathering my thought and expressing them so beautifully! :D