Wednesday, September 24, 2008

An unread map

I begin today after some encouragement from a close friend. She told me that I should begin receording, writing, blogging, the random thoughts that come into my head. We enjoy long conversations about things that matter. In fact, I think I've become incapable of small talk! (I'm working on it...) My mind has always gone to introspective places, many times much to my dismay but I've decided to quit fighting it! But she has told me my words have brought some level of encouragement to her life so I thought I would start...

Beware reader (probably only me), the words that follow come from a mind full of random thoughts. Like looking at a map knowing you want to get somewhere and there are many ways to get there. I believe life is choosing the different ways. Taking time to stop at the rest stops and travel spots, historical places that often we pass in our hurry to get to our destination. We then only find that the journey IS the destination (sorry, clique!) but truly it is.

I am too often living in the past or dreaming of the future and I want to be in the now. I am sorting through the many decisions of my life that have led me to this point. Some regrets. Some surprises. Some regrets have left me feeling lost. Some wonderful things, usually in the form of relationships bring me great joy.

I often fear the future because I'm not sure I lived the past so well and maybe I'm really not that good at learning from my mistakes and for those reasons I often feel lost.

But then, in His unmistakable ways, He calls me to rest my heart and my mind and to take His Hand. For He does not see my life the way I see it. And I can only rest in His Presence and love.

So this blog is my beginning attempt to record the mysteries of life and love and relationship and faith and trust and living. Living this life that God has invited us to live..

I don't know what all will come out of my mouth (or keyboard) but it will be my prayer that maybe we can connect in this journey. Enjoy a travel spot here and there and remember that together is where life is found.